The CDC estimates that 1.8 to 3.6 million sports- and activity-related concussions happen each year in the United States. Because so many people are affected, providers at St. Luke’s have established St. Luke’s Sports Medicine Concussion Clinic to support patients and their primary care physicians in southern Idaho. Our mission is to set the standard in the comprehensive care of concussion through a multidisciplinary approach to prevention and care, as well as research, family support, and community reintegration.
The CDC recommends that if you or someone else exhibits any of these signs or symptoms, you should seek treatment from a qualified healthcare professional immediately. Contact your primary care provider or call St. Luke's Sports Medicine Concussion Clinic at (208) 381-2665.
A concussion is a brain injury and should be treated seriously. The more you know about preventing concussion, and treating it early if it does occur, the better prepared you or your athlete will be. We've collected important resources and education for your review.
The St. Luke's Sports Medicine Concussion Clinic leads various research projects in order to better serve our patients and their families. We partner with St. Luke’s applied research department, Boise State University, and various youth sport organizations.
Our annual symposium on concussions takes place every April and is targeted toward anyone interested in the management of concussion in youth.