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St. Luke’s Blogs

Honoring Four Decades of Cancer Care

By Chereen Langrill, News and Community
August 16, 2017
Dr. Norm Zuckerman, medical director of MSTI’s integrated medicine program, gives a tai chi demonstration during a MSTI open house.

Dr. Norm Zuckerman joined Mountain States Tumor Institute in 1977, just five years after MSTI opened its doors in Boise. This summer marks that 40th anniversary milestone, and Dr. Zuckerman continues to be a treasured part of St. Luke’s MSTI’s success. He now serves as medical director of MSTI’s integrated medicine program, which supports cancer patients by offering programs ranging from acupuncture to strength and conditioning.

Thank you, Dr. Zuckerman, for your four decades of dedication to cancer care in Idaho.  

About The Author

Chereen Langrill was formerly a communications coordinator for St. Luke’s Health System.