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Providing Feedback

At St. Luke's, your feedback is important to us. We encourage you, your family, and your caregivers to share observations, voice concerns and compliments, or recommend changes. You can also express your gratitude for a St. Luke’s staff member who’s made a difference in your life. Working together, we can make every patient experience at St. Luke’s the best it can be.

St. Luke’s will only direct responses regarding patient experiences to the patient or legal patient representative in order to protect personal health information.

Please note: Our health system is based in Idaho and eastern Oregon. We are not able to support feedback related to St. Luke's health care organizations in other areas of the country.

How do I Submit a Complaint or Feedback?

  1. Please speak with the members of your healthcare team first. Usually, they can quickly resolve most issues.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from your health care team, call Patient Relations at 208-381-1420 or submit a feedback form: 
    • Feedback Form (English) - PDF | Word
    • Feedback Form (Spanish/Español) - PDF | Word
  3. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from Patient Relations, please refer to the "Concerns Regarding Your Care" section within our Patient Rights and Responsibilities for additional options.

How Do I Request a Hard Copy of My Medical Record?

How Do I Request a Hard Copy of My Medical Record?

We Require a Written Request

You must submit a written request to obtain a hard copy of your St. Luke's medical record. We may charge you a reasonable cost-based fee for providing the records.