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St. Luke’s McCall Foundation Receives $50,000 Grant to Support Expansion Project

By Laura Crawford, Notes and Announcements
September 28, 2017

The Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation generously awarded $50,000 to St. Luke’s McCall Foundation to support the costs associated with the planning and design phase of St. Luke’s McCall’s hospital expansion project.

St. Luke’s McCall is actively working on planning where departments will be located in the new hospital and how much space departments will need to serve patients, which will be followed by detailed program and architectural design work.

The proposed plan includes building a new two story hospital wing to the north of the current hospital and renovating portions of the existing hospital. Site preparation is expected to begin in 2018, with the hospital wing construction following in 2019 and 2020, followed by the remodel of the current hospital.

Several years ago St. Luke’s McCall identified a need for more space to serve the growing healthcare needs of the community. Planning began more than a year ago and is guided by a local steering committee comprised of hospital leadership, physicians, staff members, community representatives from the hospital’s volunteer boards and McCall Memorial Hospital District board members.

Based on population trends and projected demand, the hospital needs to nearly double its current square footage.

Additional factors supporting the need to improve the hospital are the aging building and dated infrastructure. Nearly 50 percent of the hospital is more than 60 years old and the other half is 20-plus years old, creating challenges to meet current regulatory, technology and connectivity standards.

St. Luke’s McCall Foundation set a goal of raising to raise $5 million of the estimated $35 million needed to build, remodel, equip and furnish the new facility. The balance of funding will be provided through St. Luke’s capital investment funds.

“This gift further validates the need for and importance of this project. Our foundation is grateful to accept this gift and it will be well used. Gifts to the Right Care, Right Here campaign are smart investments in the future of the community,” St. Luke’s McCall Foundation President John Westwater said.

About The Author

Laura Crawford works in the Communications and Marketing department at St. Luke's.