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Magic Valley Paramedics honored with first TSE designation in Idaho

By Michelle Bartlome, Notes and Announcements
January 11, 2021

Magic Valley Paramedics recently became the first EMS agency that has been named a Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) advanced life support agency in Idaho. The TSE council approved a three-year designation on Oct. 13.

We asked Sam Schwab from Magic Valley Paramedics some questions about the designation.

Sam Schwab

What does it mean to be TSE designated?

Being TSE designated is all about patient care and being able to get the right patient to the right place at the right time with the best pre-hospital care possible. Our providers dedicate many hours each year to improve our clinical practice with a common goal of getting the patient the right care they need. Being TSE certified makes concrete many things, including our ability to work with our local health system to improve all processes, and that our clinicians are very highly trained and have the ability to make major decisions when time counts.  

What does this mean for the community?

Our community should feel safe. We have some of the most highly-trained paramedics and EMTs that elevate patient care to the best it can be. It should also show how well we work with our local health system — without the backing of St. Luke’s and the TSE managers at the hospital, a lot of these goals would not be a reality. But with such an amazing group of clinicians and program managers, we work together to make our community safe.   

How does it feel to be the first agency designated in the state of Idaho?

This is extremely exciting! Not only is this a huge moment in Magic Valley Paramedics history, but a huge moment for Twin Falls and Jerome counties. The dedication our providers put into patient care is being recognized and will only make us stronger, better clinicians.

What else should the community know?

The community should know how much they mean to us and that we are always ready to tackle anything, big or small. I, as a part of Magic Valley Paramedics and a resident of the county, could not feel more proud and safe to know that in a time of crisis who will be there to help us.

Read more from the TSE bulletin. Magic Valley Paramedics is featured on page 5.

About The Author

Michelle Bartlome is the public relations manager at St. Luke's Magic Valley.