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Classes and Events

Car Seat Safety Checks: Meridian

  • Next Date & Time

    calendar icon
    Monday, Apr 14, 2025 3 p.m.-7 p.m.
  • Venue & Location

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    St. Luke's Meridian Surgery Center
    500 S. Eagle Road
    Meridian, ID 83642
  • Fee & Registration

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    Free, Registration Required


Did you know that 9 out of 10 car seats are used incorrectly? Whether you are expecting your first baby or have a car full of kids, selecting and properly using a child safety seat can be a challenge. 

The type of seat your child needs depends on multiple factors, including your child’s age, height, weight, and developmental needs. You may also need to take into consideration the type of vehicle you will be transporting your child in, and the safety needs of other passengers. 

Let St. Luke’s help take the stress out of correctly installing a safety seat for your treasured cargo. We offer monthly car seat check-up events. 

At these events, a St. Luke's certified child passenger safety technician will evaluate your car seat for proper installation, use, and recall status, and answer any questions you may have regarding your child’s safety in the car.

NOTE: The April 23, 2025 car seat check will be held at:

Meridian Fire Public Safety Center
1223 E. Watertower St.
Meridian, ID





Register online or call (208) 381-9000. If you cannot find dates, times, or locations that will work with your schedule, please check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website to find another car seat inspection location.

Registration Instructions

Bring your car seat, vehicle, and instruction manuals for both. Bring your child, if possible. Be prepared for you and your child to spend some time outside your vehicle at the check; please dress appropriately for the weather. We ask that adults please wear a mask (we will have both adult and children's mask available). If families have any symptoms of Covid-19 or are feeling ill, we ask that they reschedule.

Register Online | Call to register or for more information: (208) 381-9000