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Childbirth Boot Camp: Meridian

  • Next Date & Time

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    Saturday, Apr 12, 2025 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • Venue & Location

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    (St. Luke's Meridian Medical Center)
    520 S. Eagle Road (Southeast Entrance)
    Meridian, ID 83642
  • Fee & Registration

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    $30.00, Registration Required


This class is geared for the very busy family who is looking for a condensed, one day class on basics of childbirth and delivering at St Luke's, to become more physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for the birth of your new baby through a variety of coaching, breathing and relaxation techniques. Topics include: the birth process, pain management of labor, decision-making, unplanned cesarean birth and transition to parenthood. Spouse, partner or support person is encouraged to attend. Please bring two bed pillows, any desired snacks and a camera to each class. Saturday class participants should bring a sack lunch





Registration is required and a full payment must be made at the time of registration. Please note that if there are less than 5 people enrolled in the class, the class may be cancelled. You will be notified before the class if this occurs. No refunds are given for this class, unless it is cancelled by us or a medical condition prevents you from attending class. Otherwise, you may transfer to another class within six months of the original class date.

If you are a St. Luke's employee, please do not register online. To get your employee discount, call St. Luke's Connect at (208) 381-9000 to register. No refunds will be issued if you continue to register online.

Registration Instructions

Please dress comfortably and bring your spouse, partner, or other support person who will be with you during your labor and delivery. Please bring two bed pillows, and a camera. Please bring a sack lunch, refillable water bottle and any desired snacks and beverages. Participants, guests and facilitators asled to use hand sanitizer when entering the classroom and after returning from break. Food and beverages will not be provided.

Register Online | Call to register or for more information: (208) 381-9000

Special Instructions

The information provided in our Birth and Parenting classes is designed for general educational purposes only. Dress comfortably. Please bring your spouse, partner, or other support person. The information provided in our Birth and Parenting classes is designed for general educational purposes only. Bring two full sized bed pillows.