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Joseph Frampton, PA-C is a board certified physician assistant. Prior to working in pain management and spine care, he spent several years in family medicine and general orthopedics. He strives to provide his patients the best education and treatment through a multi-disciplinary approach to pain that includes medications, physical therapy, variable therapeutic injections, surgical services, and psychological services.
Michael McEntire, MD enjoys helping patients find pain relief through a variety of methods, with the ultimate goal of improved functioning. He believes that a multidisciplinary approach to pain management is most beneficial.
When possible, Dr. McEntire targets pain at its source through procedures aimed at joints, nerves, muscles, and ligaments. When necessary, he performs surgical procedures that involve implanting devices that directly target the spine. He uses many types of medication to treat chronic pain, avoiding long-term use of opioids. He believes strongly in the benefits of physical therapy and psychological support.
Michael Wucinich, PA-C, MPH, CPH has always been enthusiastic about helping patients achieve their best possible quality of life. He is especially drawn to help patients who feel they're in a cycle of pain that hampers their desired level of activity at home, at work, and with recreation—and the accompanying emotional and psychological strain. He also has personal experience with chronic pain, so he understands how profoundly it affects every aspect of life.
Michael is certified by the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants and the National Board of Public Health Examiners.
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