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Life Event

Late Life Choices

Advanced care planning is vital in your later years: Where will you live? What medical care will you need? What insurance coverage do you need? Do you want Hospice care at the end of life? Talk with your doctor and your loved ones about Advance Directive documents regarding your preferences for medical care, such as a living will, durable power of attorney for healthcare, or physician order for scope of treatment (POST). And learn about St. Luke’s services such as Hospice care and classes and support groups dealing with illness, caregiving, grief, and loss.

Decisions and Resources

  1. Advance Directives

    You can prepare for the end of life long before you show the first signs of illness. Advance directives put you in charge of your treatment and care by declaring your preferences in advance, on paper—sparing you and your loved ones the pain of difficult decisions down the road.

    Make a stressful time less stressful. Learn how advance care planning and directives can ease the pressures of critical or end-of-life care.

    See more educational resources
  2. Hospice Care

    Our specially trained Hospice staff and volunteers help make the experience of dying as comfortable and peaceful as possible, and help ease the stress for those caring for a dying loved one. They offer not only expert, compassionate medical care at the end of life, but a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and a hand to hold.

    Learn more about hospice care at St. Luke's

  3. Coping with Grief

    Grief can feel like a solitary process. It helps to know you’re not alone. When you need a helping hand, seek out the solace of St. Luke’s grief support groups. You’ll be able to talk about your feelings in a safe, welcoming environment and know that you’re being heard.

    Find a support group near you