Hand therapy is the art and science of evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity (shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand). Hand therapy uses a number of therapeutic interventions to help return you to your highest level of function. It evolved from the need for a specialist with the knowledge and experience required to manage the challenging recovery of complex hand and upper extremity injuries.
A hand therapist is an occupational or physical therapist who has a combination of education and experience in the treatment of pathological upper extremity conditions resulting from trauma, disease, congenital, or acquired deformity.
Hand therapists bridge the gap from medical management of upper extremity conditions to successful recovery, allowing you to function normally in your daily life.
Hand therapists provide non-operative interventions, preventive care, and post-surgical rehabilitation for a wide variety of upper extremity disorders.
Patients with chronic conditions, such as arthritis; or neurologic conditions, like stroke, can benefit from hand therapy through education on joint protection and energy conservation, and with recommendations for adaptive equipment or devices to improve function.
Your hand therapist uses a variety of techniques and tools, and can also be a consultant in the industrial world, training employees and recommending modifcations of workstations and alternative work methods.