Matthew Techy, MD specializes in neuromuscular medicine, caring for patients with conditions such as neuropathy myasthenia gravis, ALS, and other muscle diseases and/or myopathy. He has particular interest in electromyography, which is a test that measures nerve connections and how muscles fire, helping him evaluate muscle abnormality and/or pinched nerves. This objective information about contributors to a patient's symptoms helps in diagnosis and the development of a care plan.
Dr. Techy truly appreciates the complexity of his work, as each patient has a unique combination of symptoms and circumstances. He enjoys the challenge of piecing together clues that can offer answers for patients and their families. He is passionate about ensuring that patients understand their conditions and how to best live with them.
Prior to his medical training, Dr. Techy earned a bachelor's degree in anthropology from Washington University. After his time at Northwestern for medical school and residency, he completed his fellowship in neuromuscular medicine through the Cleveland Clinic. He also gained experience and career inspiration through serving as a volunteer in hospital emergency rooms.
Originally from California, Dr. Techy loves soccer, hiking and running along the Greenbelt in his free time. An avid adventurer and learner, he also enjoys visiting and lingering in National Parks and museums.