When you do a lot of sitting, your body knows it ... and it'll tell you.
You may start to feel a few aches and pains.
Maybe in your neck. Maybe in your shoulders.
But there are a few things that you can do to help yourself feel better during a long day of sitting.
One of the best things to do is take a break.
Maybe take a lap around the hall, or say hi to someone. Hi!
There are also some stretches you can do.
They're easy ... and they don't take much time.
Oh ... looks like Sheila might be doing some stretches right now.
Neck stretches are a great place to start.
You start by relaxing your shoulders and tilting your head to one side.
Notice how Sheila keeps her opposite shoulder down.
Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds, and do each one 2 to 4 times.
This time she's adding stretch by putting her arm behind her back.
When she tilts her head to her left, her right arm goes behind her back.
You get extra stretch by gently pulling your head down with your hand.
But not everyone does this.
Now Sheila's tilting her head diagonally toward her chest.
And again, she's adding stretch by pulling her head forward a little.
And you can do it on both sides. I'll bet Sheila feels a lot better.
Now she's relaxing her shoulders. She's rolling them ... up, back, and down.
And in a smooth circular motion.
You'll probably want to do a couple of rolls to the back and a couple to the front.
And now Sheila's reaching her hands way over her head.
Let's see how long. One, two, three, four ...
You can hold this for 15 to 30 seconds, and do it 2 to 4 times.
Sheila's going to feel amazing.
That's it.
A lot of people find that doing these stretches helps them relax and feel better.
If you do them ... and stand up and walk around for a few minutes, a few times every day ...
you'll be in a better sit-uation.