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Procedures and Treatments

Breast Reconstruction with Implants and Fat Grafting after Nipple Sparing Mastectomy

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Patient 3

Breast Reconstruction with Implants and Fat Grafting after Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy  

Louis Poppler, MD

Back to Dr. Poppler's other breast reconstruction patients.

Left: Before surgery. Middle: 5 months after surgery. Right: 17 months after surgery and 8 months after additional fat grafting.

Left: Before surgery. Middle: 5 months after surgery. Right: 17 months after surgery and 8 months after additional fat grafting.

Left: Before surgery. Middle: 5 months after surgery. Right: 17 months after surgery and 8 months after additional fat grafting.

Left: Before surgery. Middle: 5 months after surgery. Right: 17 months after surgery and 8 months after additional fat grafting.

Left: Before surgery. Middle: 5 months after surgery. Right: 17 months after surgery and 8 months after additional fat grafting.

See more of Dr. Poppler's breast reconstruction patients in a gallery view.