Like many illnesses, prevention and early intervention can reduce the impact of mental health conditions. Symptoms of mental illness can often be painful and bewildering. But there is hope. And there is help.
The Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline can help. Call or Text 988 or start an online chat now.
The Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline provides 24/7 free and confidential crisis intervention, emotional support, problem-solving, and referrals to local resources for persons at risk for suicide and for those concerned about them. You do not have to be in crisis to call.
NOTE: The Idaho Crisis & Suicide Hotline is a member of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and is taking the 988 calls for Idaho as part of the national network of crisis call centers. It is a national line, but the people you'll speak to live here in Idaho.
One person dies by suicide every 12 minutes. It is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.
Idaho has the fifth highest suicide rate in the country.
Talking about suicide does not increase the likelihood of an attempt.
Someone who is suicidal is often uncertain and acts impulsively. After receiving support, people who have thought about or attempted suicide can go on to live long lives.
*Data current as of October 19, 2022, via
Here are steps you can take if you have thoughts of suicide.
—Harris Insights & Analytics, 2020
People often exhibit warning signs in the way they talk, act or through their moods before attempting suicide. It is important to know what some common warning signs are so you can look out for them.
Development of resilience and frustration tolerance, as well as good coping and problem-solving skills. Religious beliefs may also provide strength and inspiration.
Easy access to places with other people, such as a library or coffee shop. This should be balanced with limited access to means for self-harm, such as drugs, guns, and medication.
Meaningful relationships with people who can offer emotional or material support, or provide distraction. For youth, ensuring a connection with a trusted adult.
A focus on hope, responsibilities to others (such as family and/or pets), and knowing reasons for living (such as contributions, duties, and beliefs about death/dying).
Previous suicide attempts, aborted suicide attempts or self-injurious behavior, a family history of suicide or difficult childhood events.
Stressful life events, triggering events leading to humiliation, shame or despair, financial struggles, deteriorating health, impulsivity, hopelessness, and access to firearms.
Loss of a relationship, family turmoil, social isolation, lack of acceptance for sexual orientation or gender identity, membership in a historically disadvantaged group.
Mental health conditions (anxiety, bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, etc.), substance use disorders, insomnia, a chronic health condition and/or chronic pain.
Like many illnesses, prevention and early intervention can reduce the impact of mental health conditions. Symptoms of mental illness can often be painful and bewildering. But there is hope. And there is help. These resources can be a good place to start.
Crisis support for anyone 24/7.
Call or text: 988
Crisis support for veterans and their loved ones 24/7.
Call: 988 (press 1)
Text: 838255
Online chat:
Information and support for LGBTQ young people 24/7.
Call: 1-866-488-7386
Text: START to 678678
Online chat:
211 is a free referral service that connects you to community resource experts.
Call: 211
Text: 898211
Community Crisis Information
List of statewide crisis centers.
Free training offered by The Speedy Foundation covers how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, offer hope, and get help.