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Ted Dawson

When the highlight of your career is announcing the “Miracle on Ice,” when the U.S men’s hockey team upset the Russian team in the 1980 Olympics, it might be hard to retire. But Ted Dawson finally did, after 54 years as a sports announcer.

Ted’s long career included the first Super Bowl (and many more that followed), seven Olympics, 19 world series, many world championship fights, and regular spots on ABC’s Wide World of Sports. He broadcast with WABC in New York, KABC in Los Angeles and KDFW in Dallas. 

Ted and his wife, Claudia, retired to the Boise area, where they’ve taken up dancing and daily long walks. Next up: They’re going to tackle cycling. “I couldn’t have done any of that before Dr. Lawler started taking care of my knee,” Ted says.

Ted had one knee replaced before moving to Boise, and has been working with Dr. Christopher Lawler, St. Luke’s sports medicine physician, on the other knee.

“It’s been a miracle what he’s done with it,” Ted says. “He started with cortisone shots, then said if he started draining it in the right place, he could hold off replacing it for as long as possible. He’s been tremendous.”

And this is from a man who knows a miracle when he sees one.

  1. Kyle
  2. Lotus