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Planned Giving Donor Stories

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Imogene Peterson lived in Ontario for over 74 years, working hard along the way: in the fields, in retail, as a cancer volunteer, quilting and sewing, and she was a great mom and vital part of her community. She was a beautiful person who lived modestly and loved her home.

Imogene was surprised she lived to be as old as she did. Her mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at 47 and died six months later. When she learned she had breast cancer at 47, Imogene was sure her life was over. However, her treatment was successful, and she survived for decades, always  consistent with her self-breast exams and mammograms.

Eventually, Imogene was again diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 at age 80, and received treatment in Ontario. She marveled at how the approach to treatment had advanced since her first cancer experience in 1976. During her life, she also had melanoma and a blood marrow cancer disorder, for which she received treatment regularly at St. Luke’s Cancer Institute in Fruitland. Imogene truly loved the staff there. 

After Imogene passed, her daughters, Shelley and Dixie, loved the idea of honoring their mother's memory by giving back to the St. Luke’s Cancer Institute Respite House in Fruitland, so they used part of Imogene’s estate to make this happen. They also established an endowed patient assistance fund to support SLCI Fruitland patients.

Shelley has a favorite quote that embodies this gift: “It’s been said that you die twice—once when you take your final breath and again when someone says your name for the last time.”

Thanks to this endowment, which will exist in perpetuity, Imogene’s name will live on for many years to come.